Press Releases

October 2018
Bipartisan Lawmakers to EPA: Don’t Stop California & Other States from Strengthening Auto Pollution Safeguards
September 2018
Reps. Huffman, Sanford Push for Reauthorization of Land & Water Conservation Fund
Rep. Huffman, House Dems to McConnell: Postpone Kavanaugh Proceedings
Rep. Huffman Advances Key North Coast Priorities in FAA Reauthorization Act
House Approves Huffman Bill on Sustainable Management of the Point Reyes National Seashore
House Dems: Kavanaugh’s Lifetime Appointment to the Supreme Court Threatens First Amendment Freedoms, Jeffersonian Separation of Church and State
August 2018
Rep. Huffman Introduces Bill on Sustainable Management of the Point Reyes National Seashore
Reps. Huffman and Thompson Announce $99 Million In Federal Funding for Fire Recovery
Reps. Huffman, Thompson, Garamendi lead 24 California Members of Congress Seeking Federal Wildfire Disaster Declaration
July 2018
Rep. Huffman Introduces Northwest California Wilderness, Recreation, and Working Forests Act
Rep. Huffman Introduces Protecting Access to Classified Information in Elections Act
Rep. Huffman Introduces Countering Russian Power Plays Act to Protect Energy Security of European Allies
Rep. Huffman Statement on Bipartisan Delegation Trip to South Korea
Rep. Huffman Leads Defense of Key Fisheries Management Law
Rep. Huffman Offers Motion to Prevent Corrupt Interior Department Giveaways
Rep. Huffman Leads Defense of Key Fisheries Management Law
June 2018
Rep. Huffman Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to End Postal Facility Closures and Restore Rural Delivery Standards
Rep. Huffman Votes Against Anti-Immigrant Agenda; Pushes for Compassionate Immigration Policies
Rep. Huffman, 100 Members to Zinke: Don’t Sacrifice the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to Oil & Gas Drilling
Reps. Huffman, Richmond Introduce Legislation to Open Medicare to All Americans
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