Press Releases

September 2021
House Democrats Introduce the Protecting Our Democracy Act to Restore, Strengthen, and Protect Our Democracy
Huffman Introduces Bill to Abolish Wasteful Space Force
Rep. Huffman, Chair Grijalva, and Rep. DeGette lead 60 Members in Urging President Biden Support Repeal of Arctic Refuge Drilling Program in Build Back Better Act
Rep. Huffman Praises EPA Steps to Protect Bristol Bay; Urges Permanent Protections for Salmon Against Pebble Mine
August 2021
Congressman Huffman Releases 2021 Wildfire Guide, Highlights Programs to Support Fire Preparedness and Response
Huffman Statement on Next Steps for Build Back Better Legislative Package
Rep. Huffman Requests Major Disaster Declaration Following Wildfires
Huffman, Porter, Strickland Call for Examination of Toxic Chemical Impacts on Endangered Salmon
Huffman Announces Over $35 million in COVID-19 Relief Dollars Approved for Local Venues to Save and Create Jobs
July 2021
Senator Cortez Masto, Representatives Huffman, Lee, and Stewart Introduce Bicameral, Bipartisan Legislation to Transform Water Management in the West
Huffman Lauds IDEA Funding in Second Round of Appropriations, Secures Additional Priorities
Huffman Votes on Funding to Advance Public Health, Take Climate Change Action
Huffman, Case Introduce the Sustaining America’s Fisheries for the Future Act, Legislation to Update Federal Fisheries Management
Reps. Huffman, Chu, Sens. Feinstein, Padilla Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Ease Tax Burden on Homeowners Making Water-Efficient Choices
$10+ Million in Huffman-Backed District Projects Included in House Appropriations Bills
Huffman Introduces Bill to Support Coastal Communities in Kelp Forest Restoration Efforts
Huffman Votes to Pass Transformational Investments in America’s Surface Transportation
June 2021
Huffman, Thompson Applaud $37 Million in Federal Funding Awarded to Sonoma County to Improve Local Fire Resilience
Congressman Huffman Introduces Bill to Support Trinity Economy, Recreation
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