Press Releases

December 2022
Congressman Blake Moore & Jared Huffman’s Legislation to Help Save the Great Salt Lake Heads to the President’s Desk
Reps. Huffman, Lowenthal and Sens. Merkley, Booker Call on Biden to Set Plastic Pollution Reduction Standards
Rep. Huffman Lauds USPS Announcement to Transition Postal Fleet to Electric Vehicles
Reps. Huffman, Pingree, Sen. Baldwin Request Immediate Support for Farmers in Wake of Agriculture Crisis
Historic Oceans Package, WRDA 2022 Passes as Part of Annual Defense Bill
Rep. Huffman Votes to Enshrine Marriage Equality Under Federal Law
Largest River Restoration Project in American History Set to Begin
Rep. Huffman and Sen. Markey Introduce Legislation to Combat Energy-Intensive Cryptomining as it Strains Grid, Undermines U.S. Climate Goals
Congressional Progressive Caucus Announces Elected Leadership for 118th Congress, Huffman to Serve as Vice Chair-at-Large
Huffman Bill to Restore Sacred Land to Karuk Tribe Passes Natural Resources Committee
Huffman, Padilla Wildfire Response and Preparedness Improvement Bill Heads to President’s Desk
Rep. Huffman Applauds California Offshore Wind Lease Sale
Huffman, Booker, Merkley, Lowenthal Introduce Legislation to Address Plastic Production Crisis
Huffman, Tonko Introduce Bill to Advance Floating Solar Energy
November 2022
FIRE Act Sponsors Celebrate House Passage of Their Legislation to Improve Federal Wildfire Disaster Response
Rep. Huffman Statement on Speaker Pelosi’s Leadership Announcement
Rep. Huffman Praises FERC Decision to Clear the Way for Klamath Dam Removal
October 2022
Huffman Announces Over $8 Million Headed to North Coast for Port Infrastructure Improvements
Chairs Huffman, Grijalva, Lowenthal Applaud Department of Interior’s Plan to Hold the First Pacific Offshore Wind Lease Sale
September 2022
Flagship Fisheries Management Bill Passes Natural Resources Committee
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