Reps. Huffman and Raskin Introduce Resolution to Recognize a National Day of Reason

May 03, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Jared Huffman (CA-02) and Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD-08) introduced a resolution to establish May 4th as a “National Day of Reason” in the United States to recognize and celebrate science, common sense and logic as essential preconditions for progress in our government and society at large.

“Designating a National Day of Reason to celebrate the importance of critical thinking and reason sends a message about our values as a country. The problems we face today are a test of our ability to reason through complex challenges including climate change, systemic inequalities and injustice, and extremism that is seeping into every facet of our government,” said Rep. Huffman. “Reason is central to our American identity – our Founders specifically protected the right of free inquiry, speech, and thought. We must continue to defend reason and rationality as the bedrock of our collective progress.”

“At a time when authoritarians, demagogues and hucksters around the world are promoting conspiracy theories, irrationalism, bigotry and propaganda, it is more important than ever to defend truth and reason, which are central to a strong democracy,” said Rep. Raskin. “A National Day of Reason will bring our nation’s founding tenets of empirical inquiry, knowledge, facts and science to the forefront. These governing principles, central in the framing of our Constitution and to our democracy remain crucial as we navigate surging political extremism and a new digital landscape rife with mis- and disinformation.”

Nicole Carr, Interim Executive Director of the American Humanist Association, said, "The National Day of Reason is an important opportunity to celebrate reason as the guiding principle of our secular democracy and to reaffirm our commitment to the constitutional separation of church and state. The American Humanist Association is very grateful to Reps. Raskin and Huffman for once again introducing the National Day of Reason Resolution in Congress. This resolution could not be more timely as attacks on the fundamentals of our democracy continue to ramp up across the country."

“The Center for Inquiry wholeheartedly supports the National Day of Reason resolution brought by Representatives Raskin and Huffman. As an organization that advocates for reason, science, and secularism in American policy, CFI recognizes the importance of this resolution. The National Day of Reason is a reminder to all Americans of the human progress that has been made possible by scientific advancements, as well as the primacy of reasoned debate, free inquiry, and the pursuit of knowledge to benefit mankind,” said Azhar Majeed, Director of Government Affairs of the Center for Inquiry.

"We’re grateful to Reps. Raskin and Huffman for leading the National Day of Reason Resolution, which recognizes the importance of using reason and critical thinking to solve challenges facing our society. It’s crucial, especially during these uncertain times, to promote rational discourse and science-based decision making. May reason — and our secular Constitution — prevail,” said Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

“Reason: ‘To form conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises.’ What if we all did that, just for one day? Reason and knowledge informed the founding of the United States and in that process, the separation of church and state. Reason and knowledge supported the numerous scientific and technological accomplishments that have made this country great. The Secular Coalition for America applauds Congressman Raskin for acknowledging the importance of reason in government and in daily life, and supports a National Day of Reason,” said Scott MacConomy, Director of Policy and Government Affairs of the Secular Coalition for America.

The full text of the resolution can be found here

The National Day of Reason Resolution is endorsed by American Atheists, Inc., the American Humanist Association, the Bayard Rustin Liberation Initiative, the Center for Freethought Equality, the Center for Inquiry, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the Freethought Society, the Secular Coalition for America and the Secular Student Alliance.

The full list of original cosponsors includes Reps. Julia Brownley (CA-26), Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Hank Johnson (GA-04), Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC-AL) and Mark Pocan (WI-02).