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Virtual ‘listening session’ with fishery stakeholders precedes bill reathorization

September 28, 2020

(WABI) - Congresswoman Chellie Pingree and other members of Congress hosted a virtual listening session today with leaders from New England’s fisheries.

The event was a chance to assess the needs of individuals who have a stake in the management of federal ocean and fisheries resources. The main goal of the listening session was to help inform California Congressman Jared Huffman’s introduction of a reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act.

It’s the primary law governing fisheries management in U.S. federal waters.

“Fishing is such a huge part of our heritage," Pingree said. "It’s a about our history. It’s about our coastal communities. It’s about our economy. We have about forty-thousand people in the fishing industry. It just engages an awful lot of people, and it means a lot to who we are, why people come to visit here, why we live here. I think reauthorizing this bill couldn’t be more important to the state of Maine.”

The panel discussion identified improvements to the law and current and future challenges in federal fisheries managementYou can see the entire listening session on Congressman Jared Huffman’s facebook page.

By:  WABI News Desk
Source: WABI5