Remembrance | Dianne Feinstein visited Humboldt County several times, had early ties to Eureka

September 29, 2023

Dianne Feinstein, the long-time California senator, died Thursday, her office announced Friday morning.

She was no stranger to Humboldt County — and had ties to the county long before she was born in 1933.

“Eureka is an important part of my family’s history,” she stated in a 2006 news release from her office marking the city of Eureka’s 150th birthday. “My mother’s family left St. Petersburg during the Russian Revolution and traveled by cart through Siberia and boarded a boat finally landing in Eureka.”


North Coast lawmakers react to death

North Coast U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman worked with Feinstein on several occasions, calling her “a force of nature” and “formidable.”

“She was just as forceful and effective as an adversary as she was when she was an ally,” Huffman told the Times-Standard on Friday morning.

He applauded her efforts in fighting for commonsense gun laws and for the protection of the environment. And she set an example for newcomers to Washington, D.C.

“She was just a force of nature in the Senate and what I especially admired, and in some ways tried to emulate about her, is that she would do this thing that is not at all in the job description,” Huffman said. “She would find some issue that was complex and intractable and really important, and she would bring all the key players into her office and just use the force of personality and the platform of her authority to drive them toward a resolution. I saw her do that time and again.”

He noted her work on environmental issues of the last several decades — notably, she made “incredible contributions” as a champion for Lake Tahoe and creating desert protections, Huffman said.

“She was certainly supportive of Klamath River Restoration and dam removal,” he added. “Not the key player, but a contributor.”

He said it was hard to pin down one memory of working with the senator.

“There were just so many iconic Dianne Feinstein moments — she contributed so much to the body politic,” Huffman said.


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By:  Ruth Schneider
Source: Eureka Times Standard