Locals react to potential loss of federal funds; 'very few positive signs' in D.C., says Rep. Huffman

February 28, 2013

As potential federal sequester funding cuts loom, officials on the North Coast weighed in on how services and recipients will be affected.
Calling from Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, North Coast Congressman Jared Huffman, D-San Rafael, said a sequester would have a “very serious impact” around the state.
”There are very few positive signs around here this week,” he said. “I am concerned we're going to drift past Friday and these cuts are going to take effect.”
He said concerns have been raised by social service providers, Humboldt State University, educators and tribes.
”I have heard from just about every type of stakeholder,” he said. “At this point we're likely to see these cuts take effect for at least some period of time.”
Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified School District Superintendent Michael Reid said his district will be uniquely affected by the sequester because the district sits amongst three federally recognized tribal lands.
Occupants of tribal lands -- as well as national forests, military bases and other federal land -- don't pay property taxes that typically support schools, and in 1950 Congress created the “Impact Aid” program to fund schools without property tax support.
Reid said 86 percent of Klamath-Trinity's student population is Native American, 92 percent are socioeconomically disadvantaged and 90 percent live on reservation land. Those statistics led to $4.3 million in federal aid this fiscal year.
”Those moneys are gone -- or will be gone,” Reid said. “As of March 1 we will be facing a trigger reduction of about 5.6 percent aid.”
”It continues what we've seen in almost all school districts in this state,” Reid said. “Laying off teachers, reducing student services.”
Reid said one of the most important student services in the 973 square mile Klamath-Trinity district is transportation, and that the general public is frustrated by the sequester.
”They feel -- and they're right -- that it's out of their control,” he said. “In essence, Congress is breaking their promise to these schools.”
Despite the stalemate, Reid said Huffman and Sen. Dianne Feinstein are aware of the negative impacts of a sequester.
”They've been very supportive,” he said.
Humboldt County Office of Education Superintendent Garry Eagles said every school district in Humboldt County would be hit by sequester cuts.
”Klamath-Trinity is one of the districts that is most severely impacted and most immediately impacted,” he said, adding that the Loleta Union School District also receives Impact Aid.
He said Impact Aid is a funding source that, if cut, would be cut immediately.
Federal funding cuts for special education programs and aid for disadvantaged youth -- known as Title I -- would not affect local school districts until the next fiscal year.
Eagles said California is facing $91 million in Title I cuts, $72 million in special education cuts and $20 million that support charter schools, English language learners, Impact Aid and other programs.
”I can't give you a specific dollar amount as to how we'd be affected,” Eagles said. “Cuts are made at the state level. It depends on how it trickles down. I would expect it to be several hundred thousand dollars.”
”There are gonna be job losses,” Eagles said, adding that the people providing services will affected as well as the recipients. “It increases the instability of our entire community.”
Eagles said reducing programs' funding without analyzing which are the most important was an irresponsible tactic.
”It's a sad situation when we can't get the federal government to be responsible and to take the action they need to take,” he said.
Higher education could also take a hit, according to California State University spokesman Mike Uhlenkamp, who said that CSU faces a statewide $22 million cut.
”Obviously there's a level of concern,” he said. “It would be a reduction system-wide.”
Humboldt State University stands to lose $469,000 in research grant funding and $44,000 in student financial aid, according to university spokesman Paul Mann.
Humboldt County Sheriff Mike Downey said the possible sequester hasn't come up in his office.
”It hasn't been a topic we're discussing,” he said. “Is there a possibility it could have an effect on grants that we are now party to? Sure it could.”
Many of the sheriff's office grants are federal funds administered by the state, Downey said, including “burn funds” that are used for marijuana suppression and anti-drug abuse programs. Still, he said, perspective was needed on the amount of funding.

”It's not a huge cut in the grand scheme of things,” he said. “In general I think we're seeing a reduction in services or resources from the federal government anyway. That's the problem with grants and federal and state funding. Every year it's a new game.”
Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services Director Phillip Crandall declined to speculate on the final effects of cuts.
”We won't know how the sequestration cuts would impact specific health and human services programs at the county level until the cuts are allocated to states,” he wrote in an email. “Obviously we're concerned that cuts of this magnitude would hurt children's health, reduce the ability of local families to remain self-sufficient, and reduce public health emergency preparedness.
”Entitlement programs, such as Medi-Cal, CalWORKs, CalFresh, child support enforcement, and foster care are exempt from these cuts,” Crandall wrote. “However, child welfare services and our workforce programs could take a hit. We're also paying close attention to the significant reductions to housing assistance programs.”

Huffman said he hopes a compromise can prevent or reverse sequester cuts.
”Am I frustrated? Yeah,” Huffman said. “I'm frustrated by the brinkmanship -- the sort of budgeting by crisis.”
Huffman said he supports an alternative to the sequester introduced by Congressman Chris Van Hollen, D-Maryland, that would take away tax breaks from large oil companies to increase revenue.
”You can achieve the same level of deficit reduction without throwing the economy in reverse,” Huffman said.
The White House this week released an updated list of the estimated hits to California this year if the sequester cuts go through:
EDUCATION -- Would lose $87.6 million in funding for primary and secondary education, putting about 1,210 teacher and aide jobs at risk. About 320 fewer schools would receive funding. In addition, schools would lose $62.9 million in funds for about 760 special-education teachers and aides. About 9,600 fewer low-income college students would receive financial aid; about 3,690 fewer students would get work-study jobs. About 8,200 children would lose Head Start and Early Head Start services.
PUBLIC SAFETY -- Would lose about $1.6 million in grants that support law enforcement, courts and anti-crime programs.

MILITARY -- About 64,000 civilian Department of Defense employees would be furloughed. Army base operation funding would be cut by $54 million. Air Force operation funding would be cut by $15 million. Maintenance and repair of five Navy ships in San Diego and aircraft depot maintenance in North Island could be canceled.

ENVIRONMENT -- Would lose about $12.4 million in clean water, air quality and anti-pollution programs. Would lose $1.9 million in grants for fish and wildlife protection.

JOB TRAINING -- Would lose about $3.3 million in funding for job search assistance and placement, cutting services to about 129,770.

CHILD CARE -- Up to 2,000 disadvantaged children could lose access to child care.
PUBLIC HEALTH -- About $1.1 million in funding for vaccines would be cut, resulting in 15,810 fewer children receiving them. Would lose $2.6 million in funds to help upgrade state's ability to respond to public health threats. Would lose about $12.4 million in grants to prevent and treat substance abuse. State health department would lose $2 million in funding, resulting in 49,300 fewer HIV tests.

DOMESTIC ABUSE -- Would lose up to $795,000 in funds that provide services to victims of domestic violence, resulting in up to 3,000 fewer victims getting those services.

SENIOR MEALS -- Would lose approximately $5.4 million in funds that provide meals for seniors.

Source: White House

Source: By Grant Scott-Goforth