Enraged Democrats mull bailout for GOP's foreign aid package

April 14, 2024

House Democrats were incensed at the Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan aid plan House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) rolled out on Monday — but they are not ruling out saving it if necessary.

Why it matters: Several Republican hardliners who are opposed to Ukraine aid and irked by a lack of border security language have not ruled out sabotaging a key procedural vote that typically passes along party lines.

  • "I have a hard time believing we're going to give something to Ukraine without doing our border," said Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.).
  • Some are also perturbed about the process: Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) said it is "a process to a predetermined outcome ... designed to appear open."
  • "I think it's going to take Democrats to pass the rule," one House Democrat told Axios.

Driving the news: The House is expected to hold four separate votes, including on aid packages for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

  • A fourth bill is expected to include a grab-bag of national security-related measures, including bills forcing Chinese divestment from TikTok and selling off seized Russian assets.
  • The fate of several elements of the Senate's $95 billion foreign aid package is unclear, including humanitarian aid for Palestinians and refugees in countries across the world.
  • The four bills are expected to come to the House floor under what's known as a "rule," which allows them to pass by a simple majority but typically passes along party lines.

What they're saying: The predominant reaction of Democrats on Monday was irritation that Johnson is not simply holding a vote on the Senate bill.

  • "We have delayed this now for months, because this party is so dysfunctional ... they're constantly trying to pander to every faction," former House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told Axios.
  • Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) said "like everything these guys do, it's an exercise in improvisation ... it just speaks to the recklessness and cluelessness of this Republican majority."
  • "They just can't bring themselves to do the right thing, the obvious thing, put the damn Senate bill on the floor," Huffman added.

Yes, but: Several moderate and swing-district Democrats signaled that they would be open to voting for the rule through gritted teeth if necessary.

  • "This is one of the most critical votes that we'll take, so I'm very open to whatever it takes to get this done," said Rep. Greg Landsman (D-Ohio).
  • Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) told Axios: "Republicans have played politics with this ... for six months. I would hope that my colleagues don't play politics with it either."

By:  Andrew Solender
Source: Axios