Democrats call for greater White House scrutiny of gas projects

May 08, 2023

Democrats press White House on permitting of gas projects

Forty-four congressional Democrats are asking the White House to provide greater scrutiny of how liquefied natural gas projects contribute to climate change.

In a letter sent this morning to the White House Council on Environmental Quality, the Democrats urged the agency to develop a specific approval process for liquefied natural gas, or LNG, projects that accounts for their impact on the climate and nearby communities.

“Our ability to combat the worst impacts of the climate crisis depends, to a significant degree, on whether the United States approves proposed LNG pipeline and export terminal projects on top of the already-substantial LNG infrastructure,” the lawmakers wrote.

The letter adds to a burgeoning debate over whether the Biden administration should be approving more gas projects. It comes as the United States is poised to overtake Australia as the world’s biggest LNG exporter this year.

Proponents argue that the LNG boom will provide desperately needed energy to Europe and Asia after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine disrupted global supplies. But critics warn that it will hasten the worst consequences of climate change at the expense of marginalized communities at home.

Today’s letter was led by Sen. Jeff Merkley (Ore.) and Reps. Jared Huffman (Calif.), Raúl M. Grijalva (Ariz.) and Nanette Barragán (Calif.). Signatories include three other senators and 36 other House members.


For complete article, please visit source link below. 

By:  Maxine Joselow
Source: Washington Post