Congressman Jared Huffman visits Petaluma High School

After touring the Petaluma Wildlife Museum, Huffman took questions from students on the future of climate change action and more.

August 24, 2023

Students at Petaluma High School got a brief but action-packed visit Wednesday from U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman, who toured the school’s wildlife museum before addressing questions on climate change and other topics.

Huffman, D-San Rafael, spent about an hour at the school in the late morning of Tuesday, Aug. 23, greeting students, staff and local leaders before getting a tour of the Petaluma Wildlife Museum led by student docents.

After seeing the museum’s exhibits as well as some of the live animals living there – including a Burmese python, an African spurred tortoise and other exotic creatures – Huffman called the program, and the students involved, “impressive in every way.”

“You don’t see young people often with that kind of confidence and poise, leading tours in such a professional way,” Huffman told the Argus-Courier. “And the passion that comes through. You know, when you find programs like this in a school that actually creates a spark with kids ... that’s pretty special.”

Huffman, who is known for his pro-environmental policies in Congress, added, “It all starts with inspiring young people to learn about these things, and for some of them pursue a career and a lifetime in this field. You can’t really overstate the impact with a program like this.”

Overall, he said, the visit to Petaluma High was part of his ongoing efforts to visit schools throughout his CA-2 or 2nd Congressional District, which extends along the coast from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Oregon border and includes Petaluma.


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By:  Amelia Richardson
Source: Petaluma Argus-Courier