Congressman Huffman pays Trinity a visit

August 09, 2023

Congressman Jared Huffman took a tour of Trinity High School early in the morning of Wednesday, Aug. 2. The tour of the campus was part of his visit to Trinity County where he also met with officials of Trinity Public Utilities District and dined with Trinity County Board of Supervisor members to get a better understanding of the issues facing Trinity County residents.

Included on his tour of the campus were Trinity Alps Unified School District Supt. Jaime Green, Trinity County Office of Education Supt. Fabio Robles, TCOE Special Education/SELPA Director Anthony Rebelo, TAUSD Chief Business Official Sheree Beans, Trinity County Sup. Liam Gogan, and John Driscoll, Huffman’s district representative.  

An advocate for school students, Huffman has recently co-introduced a bill, the IDEA Full Funding Act. This bill will help to fully fund special education in schools. In 1975, Congress passed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to make sure every child with a disability has access to a quality education. This law was a historic step forward, but since its passage Congress has failed to provide the funding it promised. Huffman’s bill would ensure Congress fulfills its commitment to fully fund IDEA.

While on the tour Green and Rebelo stressed to Huffman the difficulties a small school faces making sure all students get everything they need and are entitled to.

“We are more aware than ever of disabilities, and how they impact our students. This also means that we have more therapies and opportunities for education than we have ever had,” Rebelo emphasized to Congressman Huffman. “Unless our schools have the resources they need from the federal government under IDEA, schools will continue to be stretched thin and struggle to provide comprehensive and high-quality services that students with disabilities deserve. We thank you for everything you are doing to help our students.”


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Source: The Trinity Journal