One of the most important aspects of Congress is developing, making, and monitoring laws. New laws are created every week. As a Member of Congress, I am trying to be actively involved in sponsoring and drafting legislation about issues that are important to you. Please contact my offices to share your thoughts on current legislation that may affect you, your family and your community.

Bill # Bill Description Updated
H.R.7434 Cosponsored  — To require the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to establish the interest rate for economic injury disaster loans, and for other purposes.
H.R.7387 Cosponsored  — Shovel-Ready Restoration Grants for Coastlines and Fisheries Act of 2020
H.R.7296 Cosponsored  — To require any COVID-19 drug developed in whole or in part with Federal support to be affordable and accessible by prohibiting monopolies and price gouging, and for other purposes.
H.R.7264 Cosponsored  — To make supplemental appropriations for the Departments of Agriculture, the Interior, Homeland Security, Labor, and Commerce for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, and for other purposes.
H.R.7232 Cosponsored  — To amend title 5, United States Code, to establish Juneteenth Independence Day as a Federal holiday, and for other purposes.
H.R.7197 Cosponsored  — RESTAURANTS Act of 2020
H.R.7217 Cosponsored  — To remove all statues of individuals who voluntarily served the Confederate States of America from display in the United States Capitol.
H.R.7167 Cosponsored  — To amend the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to add a pandemic as a potential cause of a fishery resource disaster.
H.R.7186 Cosponsored  — To amend the Federal Power Act to require the Electric Reliability Organization to propose a reliability standard that addresses the resilience of the bulk-power system, and for other purposes.
H.R.7164 Cosponsored  — To require the Secretary of Defense to change the name of any military installation or other property under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense that is currently named after any individual who took up arms against the United States during the American Civil War or any individual or entity that supported such efforts, and for other purposes.
H.R.7153 Cosponsored  — To require Federal law enforcement officers, including contract employees, and members of the armed forces engaged in crowd control, riot control, or arrest or detainment of individuals engaged in civil disobedience, demonstrations, protests, or riots to visibly display identifying information.
H.R.7140 Cosponsored  — To prohibit the use of funds for an explosive nuclear weapons test.
H.R.7120 Cosponsored  — George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020
H.R.7100 Cosponsored  — To encourage greater community accountability of law enforcement agencies, and for other purposes.
H.R.7089 Cosponsored  — To reform law enforcement practices, and for other purposes.
H.R.7085 Cosponsored  — To amend the Revised Statutes to remove the defense of qualified immunity in the case of any action under section 1979, and for other purposes.
H.R.7092 Cosponsored  — To amend title 54, United States Code, to establish, fund, and provide for the use of amounts in a National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund to address the maintenance backlog of the National Park Service, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Indian Education, and to provide permanent, dedicated funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and for other purposes.
H.R.7073 Cosponsored  — To amend the Social Security Act to include special districts in the coronavirus relief fund, to direct the Secretary to include special districts as an eligible issuer under the Municipal Liquidity Facility, and for other purposes.
H.R.7027 Cosponsored  — Child Care Is Essential Act
H.R.7022 Cosponsored  — To direct the Federal Communications Commission to take certain actions to accelerate the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I auction, and for other purposes.
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