One of the most important aspects of Congress is developing, making, and monitoring laws. New laws are created every week. As a Member of Congress, I am trying to be actively involved in sponsoring and drafting legislation about issues that are important to you. Please contact my offices to share your thoughts on current legislation that may affect you, your family and your community.

Bill # Bill Description Updated
H.R.7439 Cosponsored  — To promote United States energy security and independence by bolstering renewable energy supply chains in the United States, and for other purposes.
H.R.7438 Cosponsored  — A–PLUS Act
H.R.7431 Cosponsored  — Don Young Veterans Advancing Conservation Act
H.R.7414 Sponsored  — RURAL Veterans Act
H.R.7398 Cosponsored  — Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests Act of 2022
H.R.7379 Cosponsored  — Military Vehicle Fleet Electrification Act
H.R.7329 Sponsored  — Smith River National Recreation Area Expansion Act
H.R.7350 Cosponsored  — To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt certain late unemployment payments from taxation.
H.R.7305 Cosponsored  — To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to establish a deduction for attorney fees awarded with respect to certain wildfire damages and to exclude from gross income settlement funds received with respect to such damages.
H.R.7222 Cosponsored  — To prohibit the importation of uranium from the Russian Federation.
H.R.7173 Cosponsored  — To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 14011 Clarkdale Avenue in Norwalk, California, as the "Esteban E. Torres Post Office Building".
H.R.7099 Cosponsored  — Stop Gas Price Gouging Tax and Rebate Act
H.R.7105 Cosponsored  — To provide for programs and activities with respect to the prevention of underage drinking.
H.R.7061 Cosponsored  — Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act
H.R.7025 Cosponsored  — Advancing Human Rights-Centered International Conservation Act of 2022
H.R.7018 Cosponsored  — To prohibit the United States Postal Service from carrying out a contract for the procurement of next generation vehicle fleet unless such fleet is at least 75 percent electric or zero emission vehicles, and for other purposes.
H.R.6982 Sponsored  — Public Lands Telecommunications Act
H.R.6934 Cosponsored  — Food for Thought Act of 2022
H.R.6935 Cosponsored  — To expand the authorization of voluntary Federal grazing permit retirement, provide increased flexibility for Federal grazing permittees, promote the equitable resolution or avoidance of conflicts on Federal lands managed by the Department of Agriculture or the Department of the Interior, and for other purposes.
H.R.6889 Cosponsored  — Credit Union Board Modernization Act
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